The current STAM Executive Board has the following members:

Chairperson: Miss Chikondi Ng`ombe

Bayer Country Representative is the current chairperson of STAM.  Under her leadership STAM has become more vibrant in many aspects. The Chairperson has been very influential especially on improving business environment and efficiency and effectiveness of the Secretariat since assuming the leadership role. In liaison with other stakeholder is accredited for lobbying review and enactment of 2022 seed law.


Vice Chairperson: Prashant Khatri

General Manager of Demeter Agriculture is the Vice Chair of STAM. Has overwhelming experience in Seed Marketing having worked in India for some year where the industry is more advanced and has positively impacted on the Association approach with regards to customer relations. Mr Khatri leads STAM lobbying Committee


General Secretary: Nessimu Nyama

Managing Director of Nema Farm Seed a local seed company that is growing at a faster rate. Has extensive knowledge of Malawi Seed market. He once served as board member of African Seed Trade Association. Currently is a board member of Malawi Seed Alliance (MASA).  Mr Nessimu Nyama is the Secretary General of STAM


Vice Secretary: Shane Phiri

The Managing Director of Global Seed is the Vice Secretary General.  He is young entrepreneur and brings continuity in STAM. He drives the youth focus in the association


Treasure: Edward Kabaghe

He is the Managing Director for Greenfields Ag Limited. The company is a sole agent for Corteva Agriscience. Edward has been with Pannar Malawi for considerable number of year and was also responsible for release of the products in the Southern Africa Region for the company. He brings vital knowledge and experience in variety release processes and seed trade to the association.


Executive Member: Dr Ibrahim Benesi

Accomplished seed scientist.  Has been with Government of Malawi, ministry of agriculture and after retiring registered Multiseeds Company. He guides Association`s engagement with government and other sector relevant stakeholders.

Executive Member: George  Banda

He is STAM executive committee member.  Drives the supply of Tobacco industry through ensuring availability of certified seed. Tobacco is a strategic crop to Malawi dues to its contribution to the economy


Executive Member: Boyed Luwe

He is the Managing Director for SeedCo Malawi. SeedCo is one of the leading companies in Malawi controlling substantial market share. He brings to the association the strategic way of doing things essential for development of the seed sector

STAM Secretariat

STAM Finance Officer: Miriam Chirambo 

She has ten years of comprehensive experience in accounting, general office management and administration. Well organized, analytical, attentive to detail and resourceful. Joined the association in 2016.


STAM Seed Systems Compliance Officer: Noel Nkhono

He is dedicated, motivated and responsible with excellent analytical skills.  He joined the Association in 2019.


STAM Driver: Onex Richard Kandodo

He is dedicated and trusted. He joined the Association in 2012.


 Business Development officer – Lead: Supply Kawayawaya Chisi

He has over 12 years seed industry experience. Joined the Association in 2008 and set up functional secretariat ranked 2nd best in Africa.

He leads association activities with emphasis on policy and uptake of improved seed technologies
