AGRA Funding Information in brief: 2015-2017

1. Name of Grantee: Seed  Trade Association of Malawi

2. Year of Establishment: 2004

3. Location of Grantee: Lilongwe

4. Number of Staff: 5

5. Number of female staff: 2

6. Focus Area of Grantee: Awareness Creation on Importance of Seed and Associated Technologies

7. Crops: Maize Beans, C/Peas, P/Peas, Rice and Cassava

8. What did you do with the Grant: Awareness creation

9. What went well: Disbursement of the funds and Implementation of activities

10. Collaborators: DARS,SSU, CADECOM

11. What were the targets:

  • 11 awareness meetings
  • 2000 farmers do demonstrations
  • 25 field days to be conducted
  • 1180 agrodealers trained
  • 104 peer checks on quality
  • 256 fields demonstrations to be established
  • 1200 farmers to be reached through field day

12. What were the achievements:

  • 8 awareness meetings conducted
  • 1884 farmers supported to do demonstrations
  • 20 field days conducted
  • 142 Agro-dealers trained
  • 69 peer check visits made
  • 163 demonstrations conducted
  • 5195 farmers were reached